Way More Than Just an Airdrop

Find your passion, and a two ways to win this bull run.

Bitcoin is pumping, bull market vibes are here, and now is the time to triple down to make the most of this cycle.

This is how we’re doing it.

Today, we’re diving into:

  • 📈Empowered Investor: Airdrop Alert and a DD framework. DeFi post mortem.

  • 🔧Growth Toolkit: Exactly how to find your Passion.


  • 💡Community Highlight: Meet CosmicAdonis and StevieWildcards.

  • 🔊Spaces Alpha: How to Make Money in a Bull Market.

📈Empowered Investor

This week's most significant events and what they mean to help you make informed decisions.

AIRDROP Alert and a DD Framework 🚨

  • TLDR:

  • We analyzed Zeta Markets to show you how.

  • We put it to the test with our own USDC, and it was worth it.

  • Take advantage of their airdrop and sharpen your trading skills.

With money flowing back into crypto in a BIG way, the opportunities are showing up every day. And we found a big one on Solana.

What you will get from reading this article:

  • A solid DD process for all types of Web3 crypto and NFT projects.

  • The pro’s and cons of decentralized Perpetual Trading.

  • Insights into a bullish project, forged in the bear market, and it’s upcoming Airdrop.

It all starts and ends with the DEX: Zeta Markets. Let’s get into it.

About Zeta Markets:

Zeta Markets is a derivatives trading platform on the Solana Network. It was launched in 2021 where they raised $8.5 million in funds through reputable organizations such as Solana Ventures, Jump Capital and Electric Capital.

The platform supports perpetual trading, which are essentially futures contracts that you can hold indefinitely. You can read all about what these are in the references at the bottom of this article.

About Perp Trading:

  • The upside: You can make more that you would with spot trading, especially if you use leverage. This is great for small accounts and responsible investors.

  • The downside: You can also LOOSE more money than you would with spot trading.

  • The risks: if the price drops too far from you entry point, it will be liquidated and your funds will be taken. Use proper risk management strategies and never bet more than you are willing to use.

I wanted to get my hands dirty and give it a test run, to give you a realistic review of its functionality. I crushed my first trade by taking a long position on $TIA. I used 2.5x leverage and it was smooth as ice.

What I like about Zeta Markets:

  • Gas fees are incredibly cheap thanks to the power of Solana.

  • They are clearly an early project, but the volume on the platform is massive.

  • The transactions are 30x faster than Ethereum, 5x faster than Polygon, the user interface is crisp, and they have incorporated features like Take Profit/Stop Loss and reasonable Leverage (up to 20x).

  • The fees are minor, and go to the Insurance Fund, which makes sure liquidity is available to reward wins and cover liquidated accounts.

My DD:

  • This DEX is NOT listed on major resources like CoinMarketCap, De.Fi, or even CoinGecko. These sites definitely seem take longer to adopt Solana based projects, so I will keep my eyes on this.

  • Google Search: no fud or incriminating articles. Several articles were written by reputable sources.

  • Youtube Search: few reviews and other content, but there is content made by sources that I trust, in particular, Miles Deutscher, who I have been following for a while.

  • Communities: Active on Telegram, X and Discord. No obvious bot activity, vibes are positive, support team is very quick to respond to questions.

  • Founders: Tristan Frizza is a Data Scientist who has been in Crypto since 2017. Him and his team won one of the most competitive Solana Hackathon’s prior to working on Zeta. Active and positive presence on X.

  • Security: Audited by Kudelski Securities, who have supported companies like Crypto.Com, IBM and Cysco.

  • Activity: cumulative volume of over $600 million, current Open Positions of almost $3 million.

Now lets get into how you can take advantage of their upcoming AirDrop:

  1. Go to http://dex.zeta.markets/trade/SOL-PERP 

  2. Make a USDC deposit

  3. Make trades and get points. Every dollar in taker volume (market orders) increases your Z-Score by 1. Even though my position only risked 4$, I got over 500 points because of leverage, and 2x multiplier’s I had 👇

  4. Get a x2 multiplier on farming points from buying one of their NFT’s and burning it on the platform.

  5. You can also get a 2x multiplier by trading $TIA Perps.

I’ll keep trading and share my results next week!

DeFi Yield Farming Update!

Learning how to Yield Farm on Uniswap V3 from both or victories and our defeats. Getting our hands dirty so you don’t have to.

TLDR: Nothing in crypto is certain. With this in mind, the data below leans towards further downside before retesting the 32k$ highs. I will be monitoring Charts and On Chain Data to keep you informed of future signals.*

*purely for entertainment and educational purposes only and not financial advice

So in a nut shell, this position didn’t play out like we planned. But this is great news. Why?

  • Because the learning was worth its weight in gold

  • We still gained 1$ profit

  • We learned how to spot better opportunities in the future

And the most important point is that YOU will learn without having to put your funds at risk. Which is why we are doing this in the first place.

So what happened?

Over the last week, the fees almost completely stopped coming in. The range we chose was absolutely bullet proof, but we still weren’t making any money. So we decided to do some digging, and the answer was pretty easy to see.

The 0.3% fee tier of our position. Volume is just over 500k with only 1.6k in fees yesterday.

Volume had completely dried up. The last weeks volume was a tiny 1k, and the TVL dropped to $1.6 million. So where did everyone go and why did they stop using this pool? We dug deeper and found out.

We deposited our liquidity into the 0.3% fee tier pool. At the time, volume and TVL were consistent and generating a projected juicy return of almost 15% every month. After 3 weeks… we hadn’t even hit 1%.

Looking at the other ARB/USDC pools for the different fee tiers, it was clear to see that investors shifted their attention to the 0.05% pool. Check out the difference.

The 0.05% fee tier pool, a whopping 26 million in volume and over 13k in fees!

Action: we withdrew our fees, closed our positions, and strategized a new position. And this time, we’re making it a bit more risky… for learning! Stay tuned for our next article to see what we chose, and how we did.

🔧Growth Toolkit

Weekly tips and resources to grow as a person and as a web3 builder.

Exactly HOW to Find Your Passion 🧠

  • TLDR:

  • Passions are the single best way to make you happy and give you energy.

  • Writing and reflection are the tools for the job.

  • You deserve happiness, and it's up to YOU to find it. Here's how you can start.

We were joined by the incredible CosmicAdonis and StevieWildcards in our space last week. And we left feeling like better people.

The common theme that kept coming up was the word passion. No, this isn’t a Disney special, this is real fking life.

If you have passion, you know. If you don’t, finding it can feel like chasing something so damn elusive.

Why is passion so important?

It literally fuels you, it fires you up and gets you out of bed in the morning.

Life is passing, quick, and we have limited time in this world. It’s easy to sit on the couch, zone out, doom scroll into oblivion.

Passion gives your life meaning, love and purpose. It makes life rich! It makes you happy and brings you joy.

Cosmic and Stevie gave us a step by step guide to find it, and it starts with knowing who YOU are

  • Write a list of things you enjoy. If you feel that tingle, feel that excitement, pay attention.

  • It comes down to this: try info new things out. Keep writing that list and keep trying new things.

  • Give something a shot and if it fires you up, there’s your passion, if not, you are wiser because of it.

  • Nothing is ever lost, you ALWAYS gain experience and confidence even if it feels like a failure in the moment.

  • You didn't get that fire? Go back to the drawing board.

While you are experimenting with this framework, here is one more thing you can do that will help speed up the process.

Gratitude Journal… with a twist

Writing things down slows your thoughts to give them meaning. It also sharpens your skills to be aware and take control of your mind.

This is why it's so powerful. Here's what you do:

  • Every day, whenever it’s convenient, write down what you're grateful for.

  • It can be something big OR something small.

  • Here's the twist: include your ropes and knots, things that are holding you back.

  • Once you see these written down, review them often

  • Start noticing patterns and use this knowledge to make changes in your life.

Did you see that for the past week, your job has been driving you nuts? Put in the work to find a new one. Maybe you've been grateful for when you played basketball with a friend, give them a call and set up another time.

Paying attention to your focus will help you fine tune that awareness. You’ll see that whatever you pay attention to most each day, life will bring you towards that direction.

What happens if your passion is taken away?

Been there. I remember when I broke my leg and couldn't climb for a year.

Here's the thing though: it’s a big world. Grieve your loss, and start that search over again. Something else will take its place.

Life is fragile so capitalize on the time you have. We are not owed anything. One day we feel invincible, then life beats you down. Analyze it, learn from it, sharpen your tools and move on.

Use that smack to lift you back up, appreciate them, and look at your life with a new perspective.

💡Community Highlight

Recognition for our Web3 Matters community members who are making a difference.

Meet CosmicAdonis and StevieWildcards 🙏

If you want to get fired up, feel empowered, and remember why life is pure awesomeness, look no further than CosmicAdonis and StevieWildcards.

Of all the legends we’ve met, these two are the realest, most compassionate out there and they bring the energy like you've never experienced.

Hosts of two incredible shows: The Wildcard Podcast and the new Mindfulness and Mental Health, they not afraid to speak the truth and share their experience, unfiltered, to support you through all of life's curveballs.

Catch them here:

Join us for our next episode of Web3 Matters 👇

🔊Spaces Alpha

Every Friday at 2 pm EST / 7 pm UTC. 

This Friday is going to be pure alpha.

Victor and I are going to share with you 4 different ways to make the most out of this bull run.

Make sure to tune into the livestream where we will share resources, and show you how to use them.

From understanding money flow, to DD on NFT’s, crypto and defi, the world is all of our oyster.

Check out the link below and set your reminders

Finally, we'll be giving away exclusive thank-you gifts to our early supporters, so be sure to invite your friends to subscribe to Growth Bytes. Link below 👇️ 



or to participate.