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  • The secret to being discovered on the Internet.

The secret to being discovered on the Internet.

The secret power of SEO, unlocking your liquidity pool strategy.

Everyone is invisibile and wants to be seen, today we will show you how.

Let’s get right into it:

  • 🔧Growth Toolkit: The Hidden Power of SEO, Moz SEO toolkit.

  • 📈Empowered Investor: Liquidity Pool Strategies


  • 💡Community Highlight: Meet HoboMojo

  • 🔊Spaces Alpha: Live Hiped

🔧Growth Toolkit

Weekly tips and resources to grow as a person and as a web3 builder.

The Hidden Power of SEO 🧠 (4 mins)

  • TLDR:

  • SEO makes your website more discoverable.

  • Make this happen with authentic and informed content, becoming an authority, and creating backlinks.

  • Steps to get started.

Why What You Don't Know Might Be Hurting You

I remember when we first launched our website. The pride was real!

But weeks went by, and the traffic was minimal. That's when we realized: having a website isn't enough. This is why we connected with the expert and wonderful human: HoboMojo, to dive deep into the world of SEO.

Having a website is fantastic. It's your digital home, a place where your audience can connect with you. The harsh reality is that there are an estimated 50 billion sites on Google right now, all competing for Google’s attention. So how in the world will you stand out?

That's where SEO comes in. Let's uncover its magic.

Demystifying SEO:

SEO isn't just a buzzword. It's the difference between being seen and being invisible online. Think of it as the spotlight that shines on the best performers on the internet stage.

The Three Pillars of SEO:

  1. Content: Ever heard the phrase "Content is King"? It's true. But not just any content. It has to resonate with your audience.

Pro Tip - Research your Audience: You can find relevant questions and keywords on Google’s search pages - People Also Ask, related queries and autocomplete.

  1. Technical Aspects: Imagine inviting guests to your home, but the door is locked. That's a site without technical optimization.

Pro Tip - Mobile Optimization: Ensure your website is mobile-friendly. With the majority of users accessing sites via mobile, this is crucial.

  1. Backlinks: It's like being vouched for by others in the digital community. The more credible references you have, the better.

Pro Tip - Engage in Communities: Participate in forums, social media groups, or other online communities related to your niche. Share your expertise and link back to your content.

The SEO Evolution:

Back in the day, SEO was simpler. But as with everything, it evolved. Now, it's not just about links; it's about being genuine, being the best in your niche.

Ensure Google knows you exist. Then, focus on sharing your unique voice and expertise. Remember that time you solved a problem or overcame a challenge? Share that. It's gold.

Becoming an SEO Authority:

Being an expert isn't just about knowing stuff. It's about sharing, collaborating, and being recognized for your expertise. And always, always back your claims with solid data.

SEO is more than just a strategy; it's a journey. One that, with dedication, can transform your online presence. Take this one step further by checking out a tool to unlock your growth with SEO 👇

Unlocking the Mysteries of SEO with Moz's Guide

Standing out on Google can feel like trying to shout in a roaring crowd. But what if you had a megaphone? Enter SEO - the art and science of making your website visible to those who matter most: your audience.

But where to start? With countless articles, courses, and tools available getting started can be a challenge. That's where Moz, a trusted name in the SEO community, comes to the rescue with their Beginner's Guide to SEO.

Why Check Out Moz's Guide?

  1. Comprehensive Yet Digestible: Whether you're an SEO newbie or just need a refresher, this guide breaks down complex topics into bite-sized sections. From understanding how search engines work to building a keyword strategy, it's all there.

  2. Interactive Learning: With engaging visuals, quizzes, and real-world examples, Moz ensures you're not just reading – you're understanding.

  3. Updated Insights: The digital world is ever-evolving. Moz's guide is regularly updated, ensuring you're always in the loop with the latest SEO best practices.

  4. Trusted Expertise: Moz isn't just any platform; it's a respected authority in the SEO world. Their guide is backed by years of experience and data-driven insights.

In a nutshell, if SEO feels like a foreign language, consider Moz's Beginner's Guide your friendly translator. We can tell you that this is definitely a skill worth developing to level up your growth.

📈Empowered Investor

Our 5th edition of the DeFi Masterclass! Look at how far you've come! If you’re just joining us now, don't worry. All of our articles are available on our BeeHiiv Website. 

Your Guide to Strategic Liquidity Pool Investments (5 mins)

  • TLDR:

  • Buildr Metrics is an amazing hub to understand your pools performance

  • High Risk High reward strategies include volatile tokens that have High Volume and Lower TVL.

  • Long Term strategies include bluechip tokens and stablecoins.

Today, we're diving deep into different strategies you can use in Uniswap V3. If you've been with us from the start, you know that yield farming is complex and has it’s risks -- but it also has amazing opportunity!

Take these strategies with a grain of salt, and always do your own research before making an investment.

Using Buildr Metrics for Insight:

Head to the ‘Pools’ section where you can gauge which positions range from high risk to safe, understand the length of the different positions, see recent Volume and TVL, and how other investors are doing. It’s amazing.

Long-Term Strategy:

Aim for pools with High TVL and High Volume (preferably >10 million) and that are categorized as Safe or Low risk. Here are 3 types of pools you might be interested in:

1. Stablecoin/Stablecoin Pairs: (ex. EUROC/USDC)

  • Risk: Generally lower risk as both assets are pegged to stable values, typically a fiat currency like the US dollar.

  • Returns: Returns are usually consistent but might be lower compared to more volatile pairs. The primary earnings come from fees rather than price fluctuations.

  • Impermanent Loss: Minimal, as the relative price of both assets remains stable.

2. Bluechip/Stablecoin Pairs: (ETH/USDC)

  • Risk: Moderate risk. While the stablecoin remains pegged, the bluechip token can fluctuate in value.

  • Returns: Potential for higher returns due to the price appreciation of the bluechip token, in addition to trading fees.

  • Impermanent Loss: There's a possibility of impermanent loss if the bluechip token's price diverges significantly from the stablecoin.

3. Bluechip/Bluechip Pairs: (WBTC/ETH)

  • Risk: Higher risk as both assets can be volatile.

  • Returns: Highest APY of these three options assuming your strategy goes to plan.

  • Impermanent Loss: Higher chances of impermanent loss due to the potential for price divergence between the two bluechip tokens (one goes up and one goes down).

  • This can also be a good strategy to minimize impermanent loss by choosing pairs that are highly correlated. This means they usually move up and down at the same time. Checkout tools like: Blockchain Center to see how correlated tokens are.

High Risk, High Reward Strategy:

Maximum returns are often from pools with HIGH Volume but relatively lower TVL. Remember, High Volume means more fees, and Lower TVL means fewer participants to split those fees with.

These are usually very short term holds because of the wild price and volume swings.

General Guidelines:

Trend Analysis - Once you find a pool that interests you, select it and scroll down. Examine the trend for TVL and Volume History and make sure these are consistent or trending upwards.


Researching Fee Tiers - Visit info.uniswap.org to explore other fee tier pools of your chosen pair. Uniswap will show you the most widely used pools for each tier.

Now do the Math: Back on Buildr Metrics, click in your position details: including the length of position, your range, and investment amount. This is where you can do the math to see if the potential fees will outweigh the gas, and calculate potential impermanent loss.

Adjusting Your Position: If you notice your position is nearing the edge of your range or anticipate significant events, you can adjust on Uniswap. Close and open a new position with a modified range. Remember, adjustments come with gas fees, so weigh these against potential fee gains.

Remember, these are just guidelines. The world of DeFi is vast, and there's always more to explore and learn. Tailor these strategies to your comfort and goals, and make sure to check greed and fear at the door.

If you want to take your knowledge to the next level, we’ve dropped an exclusive offer to Jake Call’s private masterclass on Uniswap V3. He is offering our readers a 95% discount.

💡Community Highlight

Recognition for our Web3 Matters community members who are making a difference.

Meet HoboMojo🙏

He’s our Web3 SEO guy! The only thing matching his immense expertise is his passion to help the Web3 Community.

After years of working on SEO strategies for multi-million dollar companies like Nike, Chanel and Tommy Hilfiger, he recognized the incredible potential Web3 has to offer, and the uniquely amazing people that it attracts.

Exclusively for our readers, HoboMojo has extended an offer to answer your biggest SEO questions and help you on your journey. Simply find him here on X and mention this article. His DM’s are open.

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🔊Spaces Alpha

Every Friday at 3 pm EST / 7 pm UTC. 

This Friday is going to hit on a whole other level.

Gentle Tornado will be joining us for an intimate conversation about his foundation, his journey and his mission to empower teens with emotional strength, gratitude and positivity.

Join in and be a part of what will be an immensely powerful conversation!

Check out the link below and set your reminders


  • Buildr Metrics - your one stop shop for Uniswap V3 pool analysis.

  • Uniswap V3 - the most established and respected Dex out there.

  • Jake Call - a successful 6 figure DeFi investor who coaches and educates.

Finally, we'll be giving away exclusive thank-you gifts to our early supporters, so be sure to invite your friends to subscribe to Growth Bytes. Link below 👇️ 



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