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  • Meme coin PVP. What to look out for and how to come out on top!

Meme coin PVP. What to look out for and how to come out on top!

 Authors: Trav and TheOpenChain

What is meme coin PVP?

This phenomenon is often referred to as the ultimate PVP game. It involves users investing in a chosen meme token and strategically selling it before other participants or automated bots cause a drastic price drop.

TLDR: (6 minutes)

  • Analysing top participants in successful meme coins

  • Short life meme coins and scalping

  • Pre-sale meme coins and why they don’t work

  • Quick summary

Analysing top participants in a successful meme coin.

The BOOK OF MEME (BOME) has been a notable standout, achieving a market capitalization of $1B within a single day of its launch. Let’s proceed to analyze the performance of the most successful participants in this scenario.

You can see the huge profits here from whale insiders

The top four traders did not purchase any BOME, yet they managed to extract $21M from retail investors. This highlights the lucrative nature of being the creator of a highly popular meme coin. If we examine positions five and six, we find traders who invested over $400k each in the token as secondary insiders, yielding profits exceeding $4M each. Notably, there are no retail investors in sight.

So, how does someone gain early access to a meme coin? The options are to either create it, be a well-connected insider, or be a social media influencer who receives a complimentary airdrop to promote and subsequently sell to retail investors. The first retail investor (or the first trader to buy less than $10k) appears at rank #68, having bought BOME worth $8338 and sold it for $872k.

For those who wish to leverage screener tools to gain early access, here are some meme tokens that have been created in the past hour. This is done using dextools.io by going to “Live New Pairs”.

There are hundreds of new meme coins coming out daily on Solana

Short life meme coins and scalping.

On the opposite end of the spectrum from BOME, we find what can be classified as ‘scalping’ meme coins. These are typically short-lived, with a lifespan ranging from 15 minutes to an hour at most before the creator withdraws the liquidity. The objective here is to engage in high-intensity trading, investing $10 and aiming for a swift $5-10 profit before another participant triggers a significant price drop. Meme coin PVP at its quickest.

SLERF is another meme coin currently gaining traction, boasting a market capitalization of $400M. The leading beneficiaries of this trend are, unsurprisingly, the same prominent trader as you can see below.

Here are some early traders and how they scalp

Pre sale meme coins and why they don’t work.

Another dubious practice that is being played out through the X social media platform is the concept of Pre-Sale for meme coins. To break this down, users transfer their native tokens to an address mentioned in an X post, with the expectation of a lucrative airdrop. Unsurprisingly, millions of dollars have disappeared into thin air.

You might think by participating in a pre-sale you are getting in early and can beat the bots. However, pre-sale does not usually work and kills a meme coin instantly. As soon as the meme coin is live for trading the pre-sales try to dump on each other, whoever is the quickest wins, before the price starts crashing.

Some pre-sales will just never make it to market and we have seen funds raised and X accounts disappearing.

Pre sale rug pull

So to quickly summarise, how do you win this meme coin PVP?

One way we established is to get in super early by being a well connected insider. What if I am not a well connected insider? In that case the best way to get in early is a tactic called “sniping”. This involves using bots yourself to buy into meme coins as soon as they are launched and set the bots to exist once you make X% amount of profit.

Alpha callers on discords or telegram groups is a good way of leverage others experience to win the meme coin PVP. Find the best one’s and follow their calls. The best one’s will hit profit calls more than they miss. There are some who have a profit ratio of over 95%!

Finally, avoid pre-sales because the chances are you will end up on the wrong side of that PVP battle.

As always NFA and good luck trading!

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