Market Movers: April 22

Breaking through the FUD.

 Authors: Trav and TheOpenChain

Market Movers: April 22

Welcome to our new weekly format where we will deliver the most relevant and crucial info you need to win this coming week.

Not to worry, we will still be delivering high quality alpha and deep dives that you’ve come to trust. This is just another way to help us all grow.

Let’s get into it.

TLDR: (6 minutes)

  • Bitcoin Chart Overview.

  • Top Sectors.

  • Best and worst performing tokens last week.

  • News you need to know.

  • Community Corner: How to start your trading journey?

1. Bitcoin Price Overview

  • Chart Insight:

    • Last Week's High: $66.9k

    • Last Week's Low: $59.6k

    • Weekly Volume: up from previous week.

    • Daily RSI: 50. Neutral. (Oversold < 30, Overbought >70)

    • Support Levels: $60k is the nearest and strongest level of support.

    • Resistance Levels: $70k is the nearest and strongest resistance.

2. Sector Overview

We are seeing a beautiful bounce this week so far with all assets jumping almost 5%.

Notable High Performers:

  • Solana Ecosystem

  • Metaverse

  • Liquid Staking

  • NFT’s

Notable Low Performers:

  • ERC-20 tokens

  • Binance Ecosystem

  • Stablecoins

3. Token Performance

Best and worst performers over the past week:

4. Crypto Market News

5. Community Corner

  • Your Voice Matters!

    • Have questions or topics you'd like us to cover? Feel free to reach out by replying to this email and we’ll give you a shout out as well!

    • This Week’s Question: “What is the best account to follow to learn how to trade crypto?” - Thanks Coach for the great question!

  • Answer: by far the most trustworthy and valuable account to begin you trading journey, besides ours of course, is EmperorBTC.

    • He has thousands of dollars of material that he gives out for free.

    • He is already a successful trader and delivers alpha because he genuinely wants to help.

Finally, we'll be giving away exclusive thank-you gifts to our early supporters, so be sure to invite your friends to subscribe to Growth Bytes. Link below 👇️


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