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  • DeFi Masterclass 3, and Networking for Growth...

DeFi Masterclass 3, and Networking for Growth...

Directly from masters of the craft.

The feedback and value we have been adding to this Newsletter has been outstanding! Thank you for all of your support.

Today, we’re diving into:

  • 📈Empowered Investor: DeFi MasterClass Part 3: Concentrated Liquidity.

  • 🔧Growth Toolkit: Connect and Conquer. A Surprising Tool that will 10x your growth.


  • 💡Community Highlight: Meet KXRNEL

  • 🔊Spaces Alpha: Web3 Matters

📈Empowered Investor

DeFi puts investing back into your hands: it is the future of finance. We are here to empower all of you with the incredible opportunities DeFi has to offer.

DeFi Masterclass Part 3: (4 mins)📈

So far we’ve covered:

  • The WHAT and WHY of DeFi and Yield Farming.

  • Exactly what Impermanent Loss is and how to stay safe.

  • A deep understanding about Uniswap and Yield Farming.

  • Your Investment Strategy Template.

Today, we’re diving into Concentrated Liquidity: The tool that sets Uniswap apart, and, if used in the right way, can boost the fees you receive.

Diving Deep into the Pool 🌊

What's Concentrated Liquidity?:

Imagine you're a fisherman with a limited amount of net to catch your fish. Instead of spreading it across the entire ocean, you focus on that one spot where you know the fish are actually hanging out.

In Uniswap V3, you're that smart fisherman. You're setting your nets (funds) in specific areas of the ocean (range) where you know the fish hang out. This makes your net (position) more efficient. You use ALL of your net, instead of only a small part of it, in a place where there are more fish to catch.

In terms of tokens:

Instead of spreading your position, let’s say its 1000$, across every single price point from zero to infinite (for a specific liquidity pool), you can narrow the range which gives you more liquidity per price point. The result? More fees delivered to you as the price hangs out in that range.

APR% is the Annual Percentage Rate. 12 Month Fees from a 50% APR position of 1 million dollars is 500k.

Choosing Your Range on Uniswap V3

As a general rule, the tighter the range, the more fees you will receive, but also, the higher the risk of price exiting the range. When this happens, you stop getting paid.

This means that as your range narrows, you will need to keep a closer eye on your position to make sure price stays within.

There are 3 main things you need to consider when choosing your Range:

  • Your Trading Style and Strategy, for example:

    • The HODLER: Long term positions with minimal maintenance → consider a wider range.

    • The Scalper: Short term positions with big risk and big reward → consider narrower range.

  • The tokens historical price action. Platforms like TradingView and Buildr Metrics can help.

  • The Three Big Numbers: Your Position Size, The Trading fees, Your Token Rewards.

    • You will be charged a gas fee to open and close your position, and also to make any adjustments to your range while the position is open.

    • Tools like Buildr Metrics can help you calculate this beforehand, to make sure the fees won’t outweigh the rewards.

    • If you don’t have a lot of tokens to invest, consider layer 2 options like ARB or MATIC as opposed to ETH pairs (all available on Uniswap).

Pro-tip: It's essential to regularly review and adjust your range. Markets can be volatile, and setting periodic reminders to check on your positions will ensure you remain optimized for maximum returns.

Our next newsletter will deliver a research template so you can find the best pool for you and enter with CONFIDENCE and CONVICTION. This is the single best way to manage your RISK.

The best way to learn in this space is to connect with mentors who are crushing whatever area you are interested in. Here’s how you can get started… 👇

🔧Growth Toolkit

Weekly tips and resources to grow as a person and as a web3 builder.

Connect to Conquer: (2 mins) 🧠

  • TLDR:

  • Created from our last Web3 Matters space where we spoke with experts in Networking.

  • Download this template to learn how to connect with the biggest accounts on X.

  • These tips have allowed us to form friendships with X’s most influential accounts like NFT God, AlexIsBuilding and more.

You have a lot of work to do. Let’s maximize your flow with a game changing… and surprising tool👇

Calendar: The number one tool for productivity that can transform your life today: (4 mins) 📆 

Sometimes you have the solutions to many of your problems right in front of your eyes. If you are trying to be more productive, then the number one trick is to control your time and, to do this, creating your calendar is key.

When we started Web3 Matters, we were all over the place. We had an idea of what we wanted to achieve each week, but we worked all week in a disorganized way and we were planning and checking that everything was in place several times a day.

Obviously, this was not ideal. It was time consuming and we made silly mistakes all the time, even failing at simple tasks like posting in time to announce the next slot.

How are we solving this problem?

Simple - we just break down the repetitive tasks and assign them to each one of us. This worked okay for a couple of weeks, however, there was still some missing key piece: unexpected events will mess with everything.

Sometimes, we were not available to complete some task simply because things happen in life that are out of our control: unexpected events, sudden changes, and even health problems.

But when you have a weekly show or newsletter, consistency is the number one factor for success, so we need to make sure that even if life happens, we will be able to achieve our goals in time.

That's when we decided to take it to the next level and use a calendar to have a blocked time each week where we can make sure that no matter what happens, we will complete the task.

The thing about doing this is that not only you are preparing yourself to be consistent and not to have any excuses, but also if those blocked times are put with enough anticipation to the deadline, then even if unexpected events happen, you’ll still be able to accomplish everything on time. No more excuses!

The tool we recommend for this is Google Calendar: This cloud-based calendar app is free to use and offers a nice interface. It allows you to plan seamlessly across all your devices with cloud syncing, and you can see your work calendar, personal calendar, and even your shared calendars all in one place. 

Now everything is ready, scheduled and with preventive measures that will guarantee that we will comply no matter what happens.

We'd be happy to hear about your situation on this topic, so let us know if you use a calendar and how it impacts your life. 🙏 

💡Community Highlight

Recognition for our Web3 Matters community members who are making a difference.


KXRNEL is one of the most authentic and passionate connections we’ve made. The amount of value and authenticity he delivers is incredible!

KXRNEL is a recruiter in the Web3 space, and is a master of networking. From irl events to networking on platforms like LinkedIn and X, he has unlocked the methods for mastery.

He has also created his own Recruitment Agency and has extended this generous invitation to our Web3 Matters community to help YOU:

  • refine your CV

  • find a job

  • connect with people who can help you on your journey

Connect with KXRNEL on LinkedIn and grow!

Want to be featured in our next newsletter?

Join us for our next episode of Web3 Matters 👇

🔊Spaces Alpha

Every Friday at 3 pm EST / 7 pm UTC. 

Join us every week and grow.

Each episode we focus on sharing expert insights into all things Web3; with the intention of helping you grow as a builder, creator, investor and a human.

Check out the link below and set your reminders


Finally, we'll be giving away exclusive thank-you gifts to our early supporters, so be sure to invite your friends to subscribe to Growth Bytes. Link below 👇️ 



or to participate.