Your Bull Run Playbook.

Exactly how to win, plus all the tools you need.

Things are moving this week! Today we’re covering:

  • 📈Empowered Investor: Make Money this Bullrun. Cracked the Uniswap Code?

  • 🔊Spaces Alpha: Fashion Meets Web3

📈Empowered Investor

This week's most significant events and what they mean to help you make informed decisions.

Playbook to Win this Bull Run 🚨 (4 mins)

  • TLDR: 

  • Avoid hype, don’t buy the top, and use risk management to keep your emotions in control.

  • Narrow your focus to maximize your chances of winning big.

  • Check out our own strategy and incredible resources/mentors/tools to level up your game.

Things are changing. It’s in the air.

Having been around for the last bull market, those familiar feelings of hope and excitement are starting to show up once again. And with that tide comes opportunity.

From airdrops, to green bags, job opportunities and treasure hunts for the next 800x tokens, we can literally change our lives IF we play are cards right.

Read on and make the most of this cycle. Learn from our failures, but also from over a year of grinding, researching, experimenting and connecting with serious crypto legends.

“What goes up, must come down, and if the price has already been running, it’s been too late for a while.”

What NOT to do:

  • Avoid buying the top.

    • What goes up, must come down, and if the price has already been running, it’s been too late for a while.

  • Hype:

    • If everyone’s talking about something… the news, influencers, YT channels, your grandma… if you invest, you will be exit liquidity. This is a calculated strategy to inflate the bags of holders behind the scenes.

  • Don't hold onto tokens forever.

    • Investing in tokens is business. Period. Especially with NFT’s, while the community may be awesome, plan your exit before buying and stick with it.

  • Analysis Paralysis.

    • This was a big one. After loosing so much from succumbing to greed, I became WAY too cautious that I didn’t jump on anything. The fix is easy: have a system and use risk management.

Find your focus:

  • The opportunities are endless, don’t be like me and try to win at it all.

  • What do you know the most? Crypto? Shitcoins? NFT’s? DeFi? Get specific and choose 2-3 tops. Then niche down further.

  • Now obsess. Dive in and consistently learn, connect, ask questions, and research some more. Things will become clear the deeper you dive.

“Then Niche Down Further”

Have a plan:

  • And stick with it. This will give you confidence, and save time when an opportunity strikes.

  • When it comes to quick plays or flips, narrative’s beat fundaments 100% of the time.

  • My plan for early crypto runs is a checklist:

“My plan for early crypto runs is a checklist”

Risk Management:

  • ALWAYS USE MONEY THAT YOU ARE WILLING TO LOOSE! If you take only one thing away from this article, please let it be this.

  • Always have an exit strategy:

    • know when you will take profit AND know your exit price when it starts to drop. You can always buy back in if things turn around.

  • If you make sure the win:loss ratio is always >2:1, you only have to win 33% of the time to break even.

  • Keep wins modest and frequent. Moons shot happen but are hard to find. If you are new, stick to smaller wins, the learning will happen naturally.

Understanding Money Flow:

  • Money typically flows from Bitcoin to ETH to altcoins.

  • Money always runs down stream, from large caps to small caps.

    • Bitcoin is pumping now, likely ETH will be next, and then major alts like Solana, AVAX etc. Then each of the projects within each chain from Mid to Micro Cap.

  • Use this to know where we are at in the cycle, and what is next to come.

“Money typically flows from Bitcoin to ETH to altcoins”

Now get started!

Niches in Crypto:

NFT upcoming mints:

Social Sentiment Monitoring:

Potential Airdrops:

Smart Contract Scanner:

NFT Volume and FP

Reliable Mentors:

Cracking the Uniswap V3 Code 📈 (3 mins)

Putting our liquidity at risk so you don’t have to. Sharing our wins, losses and everything in between.


  • Nothing in crypto is certain. Yield Farming has many risks. Checkout our 4 part DeFi Masterclass to protect yourself (this is ¼).

  • This week was a win. Here is are exact analysis on how we made this happen.

  • We include our exact position and all of the details.

*purely for entertainment and educational purposes only and not financial advice

This week was a WIN! Here’s what happened and exactly how we found this opportunity so you can find your own.

The Analysis

Last week we lost because the volume disappeared. This time, our goal was to find exactly where the volume was. And we found it.

Comparing the most active Chains this year. The winner was clear.

Using De.FI, we compared activity on all of the chains that we are interested in using. *We did not include ETH because of the high gas fees, but it absolutely dominated all other chains.

ETH aside, ARB outperformed all other top chains including Optimism, Solana, Avax, Matic and Base.

Now which DEX should we use?

Obviously we wanted to choose Uniswap V3, because that’s the platform we are focusing on most in this letter. But here is another main reason why it’s so powerful.

Top DEX by Volume and High Value Pool!

By Volume, the Uniswap V3 DEX is the top 4! More volume = more opportunity.

Now we needed to find a pool. This is where came in. We listed the top pools on the Arbitrum chain by APY (returns over the year), and the ARB-USDC 0.05% Fee Tier pool showed up in the top 15!

Why did we choose this pool specifically?

  • It is a lower risk pool which fits our trading style.

  • MACRO catalysts upcoming to counteract the crypto market dip

    • ARB is to be listed on BitBank today!

    • ARB team is hosting an AMA tomorrow.

  • ARB has lots of room to grow so holding it is also a powerful move.

  • Also, the volume and TVL is trending up.

Volume and TVL Trend found on Uniswap.

So how did it go?

Fan-fking-tastic! Within the first 30 hours, we already made over half of what we made in our last play after over 3 weeks! Check it out below.

Our range

We made it tight! Why?

  • We are only holding this position for roughly a month so we wanted to maximize returns! Tighter range = higher returns = higher risk.

  • Macro Factors are balanced to keep it in this range in our opinion.

  • Very strong support and resistance are keeping price in this range.

“Very strong support and resistance are keeping price in this range.”

🔊Spaces Alpha

Every Friday at 2 pm EST / 8 pm UTC. 

This week is going to be completely different, and absolutely incredible.

We are hosting the founders of Avolve and Left Fielder Media, who are building on the cutting edge of Fashion, Gaming and AR.

Not only are they revolutionizing these areas, but they’re also playing a huge role in advocating for Web3 in a positive way, and pushing in areas that have a direct link to onboarding people from Web2.

Plus, they are some of the more authentic, generous and passionate people we’ve met.

Check out the link below and set your reminders

Finally, we'll be giving away exclusive thank-you gifts to our early supporters, so be sure to invite your friends to subscribe to Growth Bytes. Link below 👇️


or to participate.